Marley Natural | Glass & Walnut Water Pipe-0
Marley Natural | Glass & Walnut Water Pipe-0

Marley Natural | Glass & Walnut Water Pipe


The gorgeous Water Pipe from Marley Natural elegantly combines function with design, creating a perfectly smooth experience every time. Created from borosilicate glass and sustainably sourced black walnut, the Water Pipe has removable sections to make cleaning a breeze. An ice pinch allows for cooler vapors and the 5-hole downstem makes for the smoothest delivery. The luxurious feel of the wood mates perfectly to the ultra-durable glass, making this piece a must-have for your collection.

About the Brand


Bob believed that a healthy, sustainable relationship with nature not only benefits us as individuals, but also is essential for global well-being and happiness. In how our products are cultivated, packaged and distributed we are mindful of our environmental footprint and how we protect our environment for future generations.

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10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
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