Florist Farms Vape Cartridge | 1g | Northern Lights *G-85*-0
Florist Farms Vape Cartridge | 1g | Northern Lights *G-85*-1
Florist Farms Vape Cartridge | 1g | Northern Lights *G-85*-0
Florist Farms Vape Cartridge | 1g | Northern Lights *G-85*-1

Florist Farms Vape Cartridge | 1g | Northern Lights *G-85*


Get your R&R on with the sweet, spicy and smooth Northern Lights. A nighttime wonder like its namesake, this strain is perfect for evening meditation, fireside snuggles and star-watching. Find your forest chill with comforting pine and earthy flavors and a rich array of cannabis-derived terpenes.

About the Brand


Florist Farms started as a small backyard garden in 2010 and has flourished into the leading cannabis brand in New York. All of our cannabis is grown organically on our regenerative farm in Cortland, New York. Founded by farmers – we know that a good product starts with the plant. When you smoke Florist Farms, you’ll experience true-to-strain cannabis flavors and effects. Watch us grow @floristfarms

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