Brass Knuckles Distillate AIO Vape | 1g | Ice Cream Cake-0
Brass Knuckles Distillate AIO Vape | 1g | Ice Cream Cake-0

Brass Knuckles Distillate AIO Vape | 1g | Ice Cream Cake


Ice Cream Cake is a Indica-dominant cannabis strain known for its sweet and creamy flavor profile, reminiscent of its namesake dessert.

About the Brand


Founded in 2016, Brass Knuckles is a legacy name in the cannabis industry, renowned for our commitment to innovation and redefining empowerment within the cannabis space. Our mission is ingrained in our core values of transparency, authenticity, empowerment, and innovation. These values serve as guiding principles across all facets of our operations, from product development to customer engagement, ensuring that every interaction with our brand epitomizes our dedication to excellence and integrity.

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10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
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